

Numerical Approximation of a Cash-Constrained Firm Value with Investment Opportunities

RR-Fime-16-04 Erwan Pierre, Stéphane Villeneuve, Xavier Warin We consider a singular control problem with regime switching that arises in problems of optimal investment decisions of cash-constrained firms. The value function ...


Branching Diffusion Representation of Semilinear PDEs and Monte Carlo Approximation

RR-FiME-16-03 Pierre Henry-Labordère, Nadia Oudjane, Xiaolu Tan, Nizar Touzi, Xavier Warin We provide a representation result of parabolic semi-linear PD-Es, with polynomial nonlinearity, by branching diffusion processes. We extend the ...


On the Control of the Difference between two Brownian Motions: A Dynamic Copula Approach

RR-FiME-16-02 Thomas DESCHATRE We propose new copulae to model the dependence between two Brownian motions and to control the distribution of their difference. Our approach is based on the copula ...


Computing Expectations for General SDE with Pure Monte Carlo Methods

RR-FIME-16-01 Mahamadou Doumbia, Nadia Oudjane, Xavier Warin We develop a pure Monte Carlo method to compute E(g(XT )) where g is a bounded and Lipschitz function and Xt an Ito ...


Stratified Regression Monte-Carlo Scheme For Semilinear PDES and BSDES with Large Scale Parallelization on GPUS

RR-FiME-15-04 E. GOBET, J. G. LOPEZ-SALAS, P. TURKEDJIEV, AND C. VAZQUEZ In this paper, we design a novel algorithm based on Least-Squares Monte Carlo (LSMC) in order to approximate the ...


Probabilistic Representation of a Class of Non Conservative Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

RR-FiME-15-02 Anthony LECAVIL, Nadia OUDJANE and Francesco RUSSO We introduce a new class of nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations in the sense ofMcKean, related to non conservative nonlinear Partial Differential equations ...


Strategic Capacity Investment under Hold-up Threats: The Role of Contract Length and Width

RR-FiME-15-05 Laure Durand-Viel and Bertrand Villeneuve We analyze the impact of the length of incomplete contracts on investment and surplus sharing. In the bilateral relationship explored, the seller controls the ...


Does France Have a Fuel Poverty Trap?

RR-FiME-15-01 Corinne CHATON In this article, we focus on fuel poverty. More specifically, we analyse this phenomenon‟s dynamic by answering the following question: does France have a fuel poverty trap? ...


Optimal Pits and Optimal TransportationConservative

RR-FiME-15-03 Ivar Ekeland and Maurice Queyranne In open pit mining, one must dig a pit, that is, excavate the upper layers of ground before reaching the ore. The walls of ...


Prévention des catastrophes naturelles : viser le long terme sans attendre

RR-FiME-15-06 Céline Grislain-Letrémy and Bertrand Villeneuve Urbanization in areas prone to natural hazards is massive and will grow. Economic analysis offers several tools to contain this phenomenon: insurance pricing in ...

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