Category Rapports


Gas storage hedging

RR-FiME-11-04 Xavier WARIN Gaz storage valuation has been an intense subject of research during the recent years. This problem is related to optimal control problems [17], [15] and more precisely ...


A Finite Dimensional Approximation for Pricing Moving Average Options

<h3><strong><span style="color: #005d63;">M. Bernhart, P. Tankov, X. Warin</span></strong></h3> We propose a method for pricing American options whose pay-o depends on the moving average of the underlying asset price. The method ...


Swing Options Valuation: a BSDE with Constrained Jumps Approach

M. Bernhart, H. Pham, P. Tankov, X. Warin We introduce a new of probabilistic method for solving a class of impulse control problems based on their representation as Backward Stochastic ...


A Class of DCC Asymmetric GARCH Models Driven by Exogenous Variables

Jean-Michel Zakoïan This paper considers Dynamic Conditional Correlations (DCC) GARCH models in which the time-varying coefficients, including the conditional correlation matrix, are functions of the realizations of an exogenous stochastic ...


A Structural Risk-Neutral Model for Pricing and Hedging Power Derivatives

René Aïd, Luciano Campi, Nicolas Langrené We develop a structural risk-neutral model for energy market modifying along several directions the approach introduced in [Aïd et al., 2009]. In particular a ...


Hubbert’s Oil Peak Revisited by a Simulation Model

Pierre-Noël Giraud, Aline Sutter, Timothée Denis, Cédric Léonard As conventional oil reserves are declining, the debate on the oil production peak has become a burning issue. An increasing number of ...


Modeling Power Generation Switch as a Real Switching Option: Nucleus Vs. Gas

Moahamed Ben Abdelhamid, Chaker Aloui, Corinne Chaton Given the volatility of the prices of fossil fuels and of environmental constraints, the nuclear power plants can be the least expensive solution ...


Monte-Carlo Valorisation of American Options: Facts and New Algorithms to Improve Existing Methods

Bruno Bouchard, Xavier Warin The aim of this paper is to discuss efficient algorithms for the pricing of American options by two recently proposed Monte-Carlo type methods, namely the Malliavian ...


No marginal arbitrage of the second kind for high production regimes in discrete time production-investment models with proportional transaction costs

Bruno Bouchard, Adrien Nguyen Huu We consider a class of production-investment models in discrete time with proportional transaction costs. For linear production functions, we study a natural extension of the ...


Real Asset Valuation Based on Spot Prices: Can We Forget About Market Fundamentals?

Corinne Chaton, Laure Durand-Viel Real assets are usually valued by assuming a liquid spot market with competitive traders who buy or sell until arbitrage opportunities are exhausted; the value of ...

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