Category Rapports


Long-Term Electricity Contract Valuation Using Rollover Hedging

René Aïd, François Barjon, Christine Vialas This paper proposes a market-based method to provide a selling price for long-term contract on electricity market. In market-based approaches, one searches to fulfil ...


Privatization and Governance Regulation in Frontier Emerging Markets: the Case of Romania

Gilles Chemla Adrian Pop Diana Pop We investigate the link between the regulation of control transactions and the institutional and corporate features of public companies, by analyzing the massive delisting ...


Competition and Environmental Policies in an Electricity Sector

Corinne Chaton Marie-Laure Guillerminet In this paper, we study the impact of competition and environmental policy (feed-in tari¤s vs. the EU ETS) on investment, CO2 emissions and welfare in an ...


Strategic Capacity Investment under Holdup Threats: the Role of Contract Length and Width

Laure Durand-Viel Bertrand Villeneuve This article analyzes the impact of incomplete contracts’ length on investment in a bilateral relationship. The seller has the power to set the contract terms whereas ...


A Conditionally Heteroskedastic Model with Time-Varying Coefficients for Daily Gas Spot Prices

Nazim Regnard, Jean-Michel Zakoïan A novel GARCH(1,1) model, with coecients function of the realizations of an exogenous process, is considered for the volatility of daily gas prices. A distinctive feature ...


Environmental Policies in an Electricity Sector: Test on the French Electricity Sector

Corinne Chaton Marie-Laure Guillerminet Feed-in Tariffs promoting renewable energy sources and quotas of CO2 emissions have been implemented jointly in France to reduce CO2 emissions. We develop on GAMS a ...


Structure and Estimation of a Class of Nonstationary Yet Nonexplosive GARCH Models

Nazim Regnard, Jean-Michel Zakoïan This paper considers GARCH(1,1) models in which the time-varying coefficients are functions of the realizations of an exogenous stochastic process. Time series generated by this model ...


Variance Optimal Hedging for Continuous Time Processes with Independent Increments and Applications

Stéphane Goutte, Nadia Oudjane, Francesco Russo For a large class of vanilla contingent claims, we establish an explicit Föllmer-Schweizer decomposition when the underlying is a process with independent increments (PII) ...


An Arbitrage-Free Interest Rate Model Consistent with Economic Constraints for Long-Term Asset Liability Management

René Aïd, Olivier Féron, Nizar Touzi, Christine Vialas This paper proposes an Heath-Jarrow-Morton model of the yield curve that can fit the particular requirements of long-term asset and liability management ...


A Probabilistic Numerical Method for Fully Nonlinear Parabolic PDEs

Arash Fahim, Nizar Touzi, Xavier Warin We consider the probabilistic numerical scheme for fully nonlinear PDEs suggested in [10], and show that it can be introduced naturally as a combination ...

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