Almost sure optimal hedging strategy

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Almost sure optimal hedging strategy

3 février 2012 @ 13 h 30 min


Emmanuel Gobet

In this work, we study the optimal discretization error of stochastic integrals, in the context of the hedging error in a multidimensional Itô model when the discrete rebalancing dates are stopping times. We investigate the convergence, in an almost sure sense, of the renormalized quadratic variation of the hedging error, for which we exhibit an asymptotic lower bound for a large class of stopping time strategies. Moreover, we make explicit a strategy which asymptotically attains this lower bound. Remarkably, the results hold under great generality on the payoff and the model.



Date :
3 février 2012
Heure :
13 h 30 min


Institut Henri Poincaré, salle 001