Pricing in presence of liquidity costs

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Pricing in presence of liquidity costs

11 mars 2008


Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique)

Following the framework of Cetin, Jarrow and Protter (CJP) we study the problem of super-replication in presence of liquidity costs under additional restrictions on the gamma of the hedging strategies in a generalized Black-Scholes economy. We find that the minimal super-replication price is different from the one suggested by the Black-Scholes formula and is the unique viscosity solution of the associated dynamic programming equation. This is in contrast with the results of CJP who find that the arbitrage free price of a contingent claim coincides with the Black-Scholes price. However, in CJP a larger class of admissible portfolio processes is used and the replication is achieved in the L2 approximating sense.



Date :
11 mars 2008


Université Paris Dauphine salle A711