Category Rapports


A Probabilistic Numerical Method for Optimal Multiple Switching Problem and Application to Investments in Electricity Generation

RR-FiME-12-07 René Aïd, Luciano Campi, Nicolas Langrené, Huyên Pham In this paper, we present a probabilistic numerical algorithm combining dynamic programming, Monte Carlo simulations and local basis regressions to solve ...


A review of optimal decision rule for investment in electricity generation

RR-FiME-12-04 Carmine De Franco, Peter Tankov, Xavier Warin We develop algorithms for the numerical computation of the quadratic hedging strategy in incomplete markets modeled by pure jump Markov process. Using ...


A review of optimal decision rule for investment in electricity generation

R. Aïd This paper provides an introduction to optimal investment rules in electricity generation. It attempts to bring together methods commonly used in practice to assess electricity generation investments as ...


A Principal-Agent Problem for Emissions' Reduction

RR-FiME-12-06 Giuseppe Benedetti We analyze a principal-agent problem between the state (principal) and a firm (agent) which produces carbon emissions. In particular, the aim of the state is to motivate ...


On Some Expectation and Derivative Operators Related to Integral Representations of Random Variables with Respect to a PII process

RR-FiME-12-05 Stéphane GOUTTE, Nadia OUDJANE, Francesco RUSSO Given a process with independent increments X (not necessarily a martingale) and a large class of square integrable r.v. H = f(XT ), ...


Optimal Liquidity Management and Hedging in the Presence

Stéphane Villeneuve, Xavier Warin In this paper, we develop a dynamic model that captures the interaction between a firm's cash reserves, the risk management policy and the profitability of a ...


A note on super-hedging for investor-producers

Adrien Nguyen Huu We study the situation of an investor-producer who can trade on a financial market in continuous time and can transform some assets into others by means of ...


Snell Envelope with Small Probability Criteria

RR-FiME-11-09 Pierre Del Moral, Peng Hu, Nadia Oudjane We present a new algorithm to compute the Snell envelope in the specific case where the criteria to optimize is associated with ...


Testing the Nullity of Coefficients of a GARCH Model with Exogenously-Driven Volatility

RR-FiME-11-08 Nazim Regnard This paper establishes the asymptotic properties of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) of a GARCH(1,1) process with time-varying cofficients driven by an exogenous variable, when some true ...


Variance Optimal Hedging for Discrete Time Processes with Independent Increments. Application to Electricity Markets

RR-FiME-11-10 Stéphane GOUTTE, Nadia OUDJANE, Francesco RUSSO We consider the discretized version of a (continuous-time) two-factor model introduced by Benth and coauthors for the electricity markets. For this model, the ...

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