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Carbon Contract for Differences for the development of low-carbon hydrogen in Europe - C. Chaton & C. Metta-Versmessen

Les « Carbon contracts for Differences » (CCfD) sont un instrument de politique publique visant à « garantir » à un producteur (ici d’hydrogène) un prix du carbone suffisamment élevé pour rendre plus compétitif l’investissement dans une technologie de production alternative moins émissive mais plus coûteuse (typiquement production d’hydrogène par électrolyse, alternative à la production par Vaporeformage (SMR)). L’article propose une méthodologie à l’usage des décideurs Read more [...]


Decomposition of High Dimensional Aggregative Stochastic Control Problems - A. Seguret, C. Alasseur, J. F. Bonnans, A. De Paola, N. Oudjane, V. Trovato

Coordonner à grande échelle le fonctionnement des appareils électriques « flexibles » (typiquement régulés par thermostat) des particuliers est crucial pour assurer l’équilibrage de réseaux électriques qui sont de plus en plus alimentés par des sources renouvelables, par nature intermittentes. Parce qu’un pilotage centralisé de ces flexibilités nécessiterait l’échange de grandes quantités d’information (qui seraient de surcroit des données privées), on souhaiterait piloter Read more [...]


Ring the Alarm! Electricity Markets, Renewables, and the Pandemic - David Benatia

The pandemic's impacts on European electricity markets have been enormous, especially in countries with abundant near-zero marginal cost of production like France. This article provides an in-depth quantitative study of the impacts of the crisis on the French electricity sector. During the lockdown episode, France has experienced unparalleled demand reductions (-11.5%) and energy price falls (-40%) resulting in revenue losses of 1.2 billion € (-45%) for market participants. This paper argues that Read more [...]


Equilibrium price in intraday electricity markets - René Aid, Andrea Cosso, and Huyên Pham

We formulate an equilibrium model of intraday trading in electricity markets. Agents face balancing constraints between their customers consumption plus intraday sales and their production plus intraday purchases. They have continuously updated forecast of their customers consumption at maturity with decreasing volatility error. Forecasts are prone to idiosyncratic noise as well as common noise (weather). Agents production capacities are subject to independent random outages, which are each modelled Read more [...]


Reaching New Lows? The Pandemic's Consequences for Electricity Markets - David Benatia

The large reductions in electricity demand caused by the COVID-19 crisis have disrupted electricity systems worldwide. This article draws insights from New York into the consequences of the pandemic for electricity markets. It disentangles the e ffects of the demand reductions, increased forecast errors, and fuel price drops on the day-ahead and real-time markets. From March 16 to May 31, New York has experienced a 6.5% demand reduction, prices have dropped, and producers have lost $87 million (-18%). Read more [...]


A Principal-Agent approach to study Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms - Clémence Alasseur, Heythem Farhat and Marcelo Saguan

We propose to study electricity capacity remuneration mechanism design through a Principal-Agent approach. The Principal represents the aggregation of electricity consumers (or a representative entity), subject to the physical risk of shortage, and the Agent represents the electricity capacity owners, who invest in capacity and produce electricity to satisfy consumers’ demand, and are subject to financial risks. Following the methodology of Cvitanic et al. (2017), we propose an optimal contract, Read more [...]