RR-FiME-15-01 Corinne CHATON In this article, we focus on fuel poverty. More specifically, we analyse this phenomenon‟s dynamic by answering the following question: does France have a fuel poverty trap? ...
RR-FiME-15-01 Corinne CHATON In this article, we focus on fuel poverty. More specifically, we analyse this phenomenon‟s dynamic by answering the following question: does France have a fuel poverty trap? ...
RR-FiME-14-06 René Aïd, Luciano Campi, Delphine Lautier Because of storability constraints, standard no-arbitrage arguments cannot be safely applied in markets of commodities such as energy. In this paper, we propose ...
RR-FiME-14-05 Delphine Lautier, Franck Raynaud and Michel A. Robe We apply the concepts of conditional entropy, information transfers and directed graphs to investigate empirically the propagation of price fluctuations across ...
RR-FiME-14-04 Delphine LAUTIER, Julien LING and Franck RAYNAUD We examine the impact of two financial crises on commodity derivative markets: the subprime crisis and the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. These ...
RR-FiME-14-03 Corinne CHATON, Elie LACROIX The numbers of households in fuel poverty is increasing. Indeed, more and more people are struggling to heat their homes and therefore more and more ...
RR-FiME-14-02 René Aid, Salvatore Federico, Huyên Pham, Bertrand Villeneuve We establish explicit socially optimal rules for an irreversible investment decision with time-to-build and uncertainty. Assuming a price sensitive demand function ...
RR-FiME-14-01 Adrien Nguyen Huu, Nadia Oudjane
RR-FiME-13-04 Plamen Turkedjiev Two discretizations of a novel class of Markovian backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) are studied. The first is the classical Euler scheme which approximates a projection of ...
RR-FiME-13-05 Ivar Ekeland, Delphine Lautier, Bertrand Villeneuve We propose a simple equilibrium model, where the physical and the derivative markets of the commodity interact. There are three types of agents: ...
RR-FiME-13-03 Giuseppe Benedetti, Luciano Campi We consider the problem of exponential utility indifference valuation under the simplified framework where traded and nontraded assets are uncorrelated but where the claim to ...