1 juillet 2016
in Chercheurs

WARIN Xavier
1 avenue du Général de Gaulle
Département OSIRIS
92141 Clamart cede
Email. xavier.warin@edf.fr
Tel, Fax. 0147654184
Fonction :
Affiliation :
Domaines de recherche
- Stochastic control
- Finance
- Scientific computing
Enseignement et Formation
- Ecole Nationale Superieures de Techniques Avancées (P1991)
- Diplome Etudes Approfondies Paris VI
Expériences professionnelles
- 1992-1999 : Working on transport equation and diffusion equation in neutronic
- 1999- : Working on numerical methods in finance, stochastic optimization, scientific computing
Open Source :
The STochastic OPTimization library (StOpt)
Parutions :
- "Discrete Ordinates Methods in xy Geometry with Spatially Varying Angular Discretizations " (with G Bal) Nuclear science and engineering, vol. 127, no2, pp. 169-181 , 1997 [Publications] [1997]
- "A regression-based Monte Carlo method to solve backward stochastic differential equations " (with J.P. Lemor, E Gobet) Annals of applied probability : Volume 15, Number 3, pp 2172-2202, 2005 [Publications] [2005]
- "Rate of convergence of an empirical regression method for solving generalized backward stochastic differential equations " (with J.P. Lemor, E Gobet) Bernoulli : Volume 12, Number 5 , pp 889-916, 2006 [Publications] [2006]
- "Distribution of a Stochastic Control Algorithm Applied to Gas Storage Valuation " (with C. Makassikis, S. Vialle) The 7th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT-2007), IEEE Computer Society Press ,2007 [Publications] [2007]
- "A N-dimensional Stochastic Control Algorithm for Electricity Asset Management on PC cluster and Blue Gene Supercomputer" (with S Vialle, P Mercier) Workshop on State-of-the-Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing. Maximilien Germain,_NTNU, Trondheim, NorwayMay 13-16, 2008 [Publications] [2008]
- "Large Scale Distribution of Stochastic Control Algorithms for Financial Applications" (with C. Makassikis, S. Vialle), PDCoF08, pages 1-8, 2008-04 [Publications] [2008]
- "Stochastic control optimization & simulation applied to energy management: From 1-D to N-D problem distributions, on clusters, supercomputers and Grids " (with S. Vialle, C. Makassikis, and P. Mercier) Grid@Mons conference, 2008 [Publications] [2008]
- "Large Scale Experiment and Optimization of a Distributed Stochastic Control Algorithm. Application to Energy Management Problems" (with P. Vezolle, S.Vialle) Workshop on Large-Scale Parallel Processing (LSPP 2009). Friday, May 29, 2009, Rome, Italy. [Publications] [2009]
- "Valuation of a powerplant under production constraints and markets incompleteness " (with A. Porchet, N. Touzi) Mathematical Methods of Operations research, Volume 70, Number 1 , pp 47-75, 2009. [Publications] [2009]
- "Design and Experimentation of a Large Scale Distributed Stochastic Control Algorithm Applied to Energy Management Problems" (with S Vialle) SBN 978-953-307-121-3, InTech, August 2010 [Articles de presse] [2010]
- "A finite dimensional approximation for pricing moving average options" (with M Bernhart, P Tankov) SIAM Journal of Financial Mathematics Vol 2, pp 989-1013, 2011 [Publications] [2011]
- " A Probabilistic Numerical Scheme for Fully Nonlinear PDEs " (with A. Fahim, N. Touzi) The Annals of Applied Probability, Vol 21, No 4, 1322-1364 [Publications] [2011]
- "FT-GReLoSSS a Skeletal-Based Approach towards Application Parallelization and Low-Overhead Fault Tolerance" (with C. Makassikis, S Vialle), Proceedings of the 20th International Euromicro Conference PDP, 2012 [Publications] [2012]
- "Hedging swing contract on gas market" [Publications] [2012]
- "Gas storage hedging" , Numerical methods in finance, Springer [Publications] [2012]
- Swing option valuation : a BSDE with constrainted jumps approach" (with M Bernhart, H Pham, P Tankov) ,Numerical methods in finance, Springer [Publications] [2012]
- "Monte-Carlo valorisation of American options: facts and new algorithms to improve existing methods" (with B Bouchard) Numerical methods in finance [Publications] [2012]
- Adaptive sparse grids for time dependent Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations in stochastic control [Publications] [2014]
- "Optimal Liquidity management and Hedging in the presence of a non-predictable investment opportunity" (with S. Villeneuve) Mathematics and Financial Economics (2014) 8: 193-227 [Publications] [2014]
- "Numerical methods for the quadratic hedging problem in Markov models with jumps" (with C. De Franco, P. Tankov), Journal of Computational Finance, Volume 19, Number 2 [Publications] [2015]
- "Some non monotone schemes for time dependent Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations in stochastic control", Journal of Scientific Computing, june 2015, pp 1-26 [Publications] [2015]
- "Liquidity Management with Decreasing-returns-to-scale and Secured Credit Line" with Erwan Pierre and Stéphane Villeneuve, Finance and Stochastics,October 2016, Volume 20, Issue 4, pp 809–854
- "The Asset Liability Management problem of a nuclear operator : a numerical stochastic optimization approach", [Publications] [2016]
- "Numerical approximation of a cash-constrained firm value with investment opportunities" (with Erwan Pierre, Stéphane Villeneuve), SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics , vol 8, issue 1 [2017]
- "Unbiased Monte Carlo estimate of stochastic differential equations expectations", with M. Doumbia and N. Oudjane, ESAIM P&S , 21 (2017) 56-87 [Publications] [2017]
- "Variations on branching methods for non linear PDEs" , 2017,
- "Numerical approximation of BSDEs using local polynomial drivers and branching processes" , with Bruno Bouchard, Xiaolu Tan, Yiyi Zou, 2017, Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 2017, vol. 23, no 4, p. 241-263
- "Nesting Monte Carlo for high-dimensional Non Linear PDEs" , Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, volume 24, issue 4, 2018 ,
- "Monte Carlo for high-dimensional degenerated SemiLinear and Full Non Linear PDEs", 2018, ,
- "Branching diffusion representation of semilinear PDEs and Monte Carlo approximation" with Pierre Henry-Labordère, Nizar Touzi , Nadia Oudjane, Xiaolu Tan, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré Probabilité Statistiques , Volume 55, Number 1 (2019), 184-210. [2019]
- "Numerical approximation of general Lipschitz BSDEs with branching processes", with Bruno Bouchard, Xiaolu Tan, CEMRACS 2017 - Numerical methods for stochastic models: control, uncertainty quantification, mean-field, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, Volume 65 , p 309 - 329, (2019)
- "Variance optimal hedging with application to Electricity markets" in Journal Of Computational Finance, volume 23, number 3, dec 2019
- "Fast and stable multivariate kernel density estimation by fast sum updating", with Nicolas Langrené, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics ,Volume 28, 2019 - Issue 3, Pages 596-608 ,
- "Regression Monte Carlo for microgrid management", with Clémence Alasseur, Alexandro Balata, Sahar Ben Aziza, Aditya Maheshwari, Peter Tankov, CEMRACS 2017 - Numerical methods for stochastic models: control, uncertainty quantification, mean-field, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, Volume 65 , p 46 - 67, (2019)
- "Machine Learning for semi linear PDEs" with Chan-Wai-Nam, Q., Mikael, Journal of Scientific Computing, 79(3), 1667-1712, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-019-00908-3
- "Some non monotone schemes for Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equations", CEMRACS 2017 - Numerical methods for stochastic models: control, uncertainty quantification, mean-field, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, Volume 65 , p 476 - 497 (2019)
- "A power plant valuation under asymmetric risk criterion taking into acount maintenance costs", with Clémence Alasseur, Isaque Pimentel and Emmanuel Gobet, 2019
- "Option valuation and hedging using asymmetric risk function: asymptotic optimality through fully nonlinear Partial Differential Equations", with Emmanuel gobet and Isaque Pimentel, Finance Stoch (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00780-020-00428-1 ,
- "Some machine learning schemes for high-dimensional nonlinear PDEs", with Côme Huré and Huyên Pham, Mathematics of Computation, 89(324):1547–1579, 2020
- "On conditional cuts for Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming", 2019, with Wim Van-Ackooij, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 8.2 (2020): 173-199
- 'Risk management with machine learning based algorithms" , with Simon Fecamp and Joseph Mikael, 2021, Journal of Computational Finance ,volume 25, number 2
- "Discretization and Machine Learning Approximation of BSDEs with a Constraint on the Gains-Process", with Idris Kharroubi and Thomas Lim, in "Monte Carlo Methods and Applications ", 2021 , https://doi.org/10.1515/mcma-2020-2080.
- "Fast multivariate empirical cumulative distribution function with connection to kernel density estimation", with Nicolas Langrené, "Computational Statistics and Data Analysis", vol 162, oct 2021 ,
- "Deep backward multistep schemes for nonlinear PDEsand approximation error analysis", with Maximilien Germain and Huyên Pham, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44.1 (2022), A28–A56,
- "Incentives, lockdown, and testing: from Thucydides’s analysis to the COVID–19 pandemic", with Emma Hubert, Thibault Mastrolia, Dylan Possamai, Journal of mathematical biology 84.5 (2022)
- "Numerical resolution of McKean-Vlasov FBSDEs using neuralnetworks", with Maximilien Germain, Joseph Mikael, 2022, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11009-022-09946-1 MckeanVlassovFBDSE
- "Deep learning for efficient frontier calculation in finance", Journal of Computational Finance, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2022,
- "DeepSets and their derivative networks for solving symmetric PDEs", with Maximilien Germain, Mathieu Laurière, and Huyên Pham , Journal of Scientific Computing , 91:63, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-022-01796-w
- "Rate of convergence for particles approximation of PDEs in Wasserstein space", with Maximilien Germain and Huyên Pham, Journal of Applied Probability, 1-17. doi:10.1017/jpr.2021.102, 2022
- "A level-set approach to the control of state-constrained McKean-Vlasov equations: application to renewable energy storage and portfolio selection", with Maximilien Germain and Huyên Pham, Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2023, 13(3&4): 555-582. doi: 10.3934/naco.2022033
- "The GroupMax neural network approximation of convex functions", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023,
- "Reservoir optimization and Machine Learning methods", EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, volume 11, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejco.2023.100068
- "Neural networks-based algorithms for stochastic control and PDEs in finance", with Maximilien Germain and Huyên Pham, in "Machine Learning for Financial Markets: a guide to contemporary practices, Cambridge University Press, Editors: Agostino Capponi and Charles-Albert Lehalle,Cambridge University Press, 2023
- "Quantile and moment neural networks for learning functionals of distributions", 2023,
- "Neural networks for first order HJB equations and application to front propagation with obstacle terms" with Olivier Bokanowski and Averil Prost, Partial Differential Equations and Applications 4.5 , 2023,
- "Mean-field neural networks: learning mappings on Wasserstein space" with Huyên Pham, Neural networks, 2023, vol 168, pp 380-393, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2023.09.015,
- "Deep Learning algorithms for FBSDEs with jumps : applications to option pricing and a MFG model for smart grids" with Clémence Alasseur, Zakaria Bensaid, Roxana Dumitrescu, 2024,
- "Mean-field neural networks-based algorithms for McKean-Vlasov control problems" with Huyên Pham, Journal of Machine Learning, volume 3, number 2, pp. 176-214., 2024,
, MasterEquation-1
- "A common shock model for multidimensinal electricity intraday price modelling with application to battery valuation" with Thomas Deschatre, Quantative finance , 24 (8), 1157-11762024,
- "Neural networks for differential games", with Olivier Bokanowski, Dynamic Games and Applications, 2024,
StationnaryGames_bokanovsky_V2_arxiv, DOI:10.1007/s13235-024-00597-0
- "P1-KAN an effective Kolmogorov Arnold Network for function approximation ",2024,
- "Control randomisation approach for policy gradient and application to reinforcement learning in optimal switching" with Robert Denkert and Huyên Pham, Applied Mathematics & Optimization 91 (1), 1-33, 2024,
- "Growth model with externalities for energetic transition via MFG with common external variable" with Pierre Lavigne and Quentin Petit, 2025,
- "A mixture representation of the spectral distribution of isotropic kernels with application to random Fourier features" with Nicolas Langené and Pierre Gruet, 2025,
- "Actor critic learning algorithms for mean-field control with moment neural networks" with Huyên Pham, 2025, to appear in Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
Codes :
- P1-Kan code in PyTorch. P1KanTorch
- P1-Kan code in Tensorflow P1KanTF